Tag: novos modelos de negócio
“Intellectual Commons, Commodification and Open Business Models” (Bens comuns intelectuais, mercantilização e modelos de negócio abertos) [comunicação em evento]
This research project analyses the possible relations between intellectual commons and commodification, attempting to determine if they are incompatible and whether commodification can arise in or from within a commons. Also, on a more practical level, it assesses how emerging business models affect that possibility.
“Intellectual Commons, Commodification and New Business Models” (Bens comuns intelectuais, mercantilização e novos modelos de negócio) [artigo em evento]
This research project analyzes the possible relationships between immaterial commons (i. e., the practices of sharing around intellectual or cultural goods) and commodification (the process of turning something into a commodity: a private good produced to satisfy market needs); in particular, it poses the question of whether commodification can arise in or from within a…